2022-23 Orthopaedic Foundation Research
- Plancher KD, Briggs KK, Zuccaro P, Tucker EE, Petterson SC. Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction with a Modified Inferior Capsular Shift Allows Return to Sport and Excellent Outcomes in Contact and Non-Contact Athletes With Anterior Shoulder Instability at Minimum 5-Year Follow-up. Arthroscopy. 2023 Oct 26:S0749-8063(23)00864-2.
- Plancher KD, Briggs KK, Tucker EE, Zuccaro P, Petterson SC. The Role of Severe Lateral Facet Patellar Osteoarthritis in Patient Selection for Success of a Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Mean Follow-Up of 10 Years. J Arthroplasty. 2023 Jul;38(7 Suppl 2):S145-S149.
- Plancher KD, Morrey BF, McMahon GT, Ruch DS, Petterson SC. AOA Critical Issues Symposium: Leadership and Education During and After COVID-19: Back to the Future or a New Normal. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Oct 4;105(19):1560-1564.
- Plancher KD, Voigt C, Bernstein DN, Briggs KK, Petterson SC. Return to Sport in Middle-aged and Older Athletes After Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty at a Mean 10-Year Follow-up: Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Jun;51(7):1799-1807.
- Plancher KD, Berend KR, Dalury DF, Lombardi AV Jr. Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty Made Simple. Instr Course Lect. 2023;72:261-272.
- Plancher KD, Matheny LM, Briggs KK, Petterson SC. Reliability and Validity of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score in Patients Undergoing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2022 Oct;37(10):1998-2003.e1.
- Plancher KD, Chinnakkannu K, Briggs K, Dotterwich K, Commaroto S, Wang K, Petterson SC. Isolated Lateral Tibiofemoral Compartment Osteoarthritis: Survivorship and Patient Acceptable Symptom State After Lateral Fixed-Bearing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty at Mean 10-Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2022 Sep 21;104(18):1621-1628.
- Burnett RA 3rd, Ihekweazu U, Stambough JB, Plancher KD, Moskal JT, Karas V. Adult Reconstruction Fellowship: What is Important to the Applicants? Arthroplast Today. 2022 Aug 24;17:180-185.e1.
- Plancher KD, Briggs KK, Brite JE, Petterson SC. The Lawrence D. Dorr Surgical Techniques & Technologies Award: Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) in Medial and Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Does the Status of the ACL Impact Outcomes? J Arthroplasty. 2022 Aug;37(8S):S710-S715.
- Plancher KD, Brite J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Pre-Arthritic/Kinematic Alignment in Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Results in Return to Activity at Mean 10-Year Follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2022 Jun 15;104(12):1081-1089.
- Petterson SC, Agyapong G, Brite JE, Shanmugam J, Briggs KK, Plancher KD. An Algorithm for Successfully Managing Anterior Shoulder Instability. JAAPA. 2022. 35(4): 17-28.
- Easwaran R, Khan M, Sancheti P, Plancher KD, Shyam A, Bhandari M, Ranawat AS, Thakkar S, Parikh S, Musahl V, Joglekar S, Deshmukh AJ, Verma N, McAllister D, Verdonk P, Lustig S, Chandrateya A, Smigleiski R, Solayar G, Chernchujit B, Yung P, Budhiparama N, Hoshino Y, White N, Parker N, Clatworthy M, Brown C, Manzary M, Rajan D, Narvekar A, Tapasvi S, Pardiwala D, Panigrahi R, Arumugam S, Kapoor V, Mody V, Maheshwari J, Dahiya V, Joseph C, Laddha M, Rajgopa A. Prophylaxis For Preventing Venous Thromboembolism In Knee Arthroscopy And Soft Tissue Reconstruction: Consensus Statements From An International Panel Of Experts. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Apr 18:1-10.
- Plancher KD, Shanmugam J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Diagnosis and Management of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: A Comprehensive Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 Dec 15;29(24):1031-1043.
2022-2024 Orthopaedic Foundation Research
- Fixed-Bearing Lateral Unicompartment Knee Arthroplasty in Degenerative ACL-Deficient and ACL-Intact Knees: A Matched Pair Analysis
- Pre-Arthritic/Kinematic Alignment in Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Results in Return to Activity at Mean 10-Year Follow-up
- Isolated Lateral Tibiofemoral Compartment Osteoarthritis
- Diagnosis and Management of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: A Comprehensive Review
- Relevance of the Tibial Slope on Functional Outcomes in ACL-Deficient and ACL Intact Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
- Patient-acceptable symptom state for reporting outcomes following unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
- Endoscopic/arthroscopic decompression of the suprascapular nerve at the spinoglenoid notch: indications and surgical technique
- Perspective of Attending Physicians on the Use of Telemedicine in an Outpatient Arthroplasty Setting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Shoulder Trans-pectoralis Arthroscopic Portal Is a Safe Approach to the Arthroscopic Latarjet Procedure: A Cadaveric Analysis
2022 Publication Summary
- Plancher KD, Chinnakkannu K, Briggs K, Dotterwich K, Commaroto S, Wang K, Petterson SC. Isolated Lateral Tibiofemoral Compartment Osteoarthritis: Survivorship and Patient Acceptable Symptom State After Lateral Fixed-Bearing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty at Mean 10-Year Follow-up. JBJS Am. 2022 Jun 28. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.21.01523. Online ahead of print.
- Plancher KD, Brite J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Pre-Arthritic/Kinematic Alignment in Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Results in Return to Activity at Mean 10-Year Follow-up. JBJS June 2022 Am. 104(12): 1081. DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.21.00801.
- Petterson SC, Agyapong G, Brite JE, Shanmugam J, Briggs KK, Plancher KD. An algorithm for successfully managing anterior shoulder instability, JAAPA. 2022. 35(4): 17-28.
- Plancher KD, Matheny LM, Briggs KK, Petterson SC. Reliability and Validity of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score in Patients Undergoing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2022 Apr 26:S0883-5403(22)00475-2.
2022 Conferences and Meetings
- Value-Based Care: A Call For Surgeon Innovation. Lamplighters Orthopaedic Association. Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. August 2022.
- Do We Need To Treat The Hill Sach’s Lesion? When and How? 41st Annual Cherry Blossom Seminar. Washington, D.C. July 2022.
- Panelist. Case Presentations: Anterior Shoulder Instability. 41st Annual Cherry Blossom Seminar. Washington, D.C. July 2022.
- Panelist. Panel Discussion: Rotator Cuff. 41st Annual Cherry Blossom Seminar. Washington, D.C. July 2022.
- ICL Moderator. The Business of Medicine: Hospital-Based, Academic, Private Practice – Learning How To Succeed. 2022 AOSSM Annual Meeting. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Colorado Springs, CO. July 2022.
- Marketing, Consumerism & Telemedicine: What It Means to Your Survival. 2022 AOSSM Annual Meeting. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Colorado Springs, CO. July 2022.
- Guest Reviewer: Becker’s 18th Annual Future of Spine + The Spine, Orthopedic and Pain Management- Driven ASC Conference. Chicago, IL. June 2022
- Symposium Chair. The Role of Injectables, Steroids & Viscosupplementation: What’s New, What Science Do We Know. 2022 Annual Meeting and World Congresses. American College of Sports Medicine. San Diego, California. June 2022.
- Alternate Investments – How to Build Wealth. Inaugural Shoulder360 Annual Meeting. The Comprehensive Shoulder Course. Miami Beach, Florida. April 2022.
- Arthroscopic Latarjet: Why I don’t do this. Inaugural Shoulder360 Annual Meeting. The Comprehensive Shoulder Course. Miami Beach, Florida. April 2022.
- Pearl/Technique 16: Anchor Placement, Suture Placement (Mattress vs Simple). Inaugural Shoulder360 Annual Meeting. The Comprehensive Shoulder Course. Miami Beach, Florida. April 2022.
2021 Publication Summary
- Plancher KD, Shanmugam J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Diagnosis and Management of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: A Comprehensive Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 Sep 13. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-01092. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34520444.
- Plancher KD, Shanmugam JP, Brite JE, Briggs KK, Petterson SC. Relevance of the Tibial Slope on Functional Outcomes in ACL-Deficient and ACL Intact Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2021 Sep;36(9):3123-3130. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2021.04.041. Epub 2021 May 5. PMID: 34053751.
- Plancher KD, Brite JE, Briggs KK, Petterson SC. Patient-Acceptable Symptom State For Reporting Outcomes Following Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Matched Pair Analysis Comparing UKA In ACL-Deficient Versus ACL-Intact Knees. Bone Joint J. 2021 Aug;103-B(8):1367-1372. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.103B8.BJJ-2021-0170.R1. PMID: 34334042.
- Plancher KD, Evely TB, Brite J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Endoscopic/Arthroscopic Decompression of the Suprascapular Nerve at the Spinoglenoid Notch: Indications and Surgical Technique. JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques. 2021. 1(3): 198-206.
- Kolin D, Carroll K, Cushner F, Plancher KD. Perspective of Attending Physicians on the Use of Telemedicine in an Outpatient Arthroplasty Setting During the Covid-19 Pandemic. HSS Journal: The Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery. 2021; 17(1):31-35.
- Dunn ASM, Petterson SC, Plancher KD. The Shoulder Trans-pectoralis Arthroscopic Portal Is a Safe Approach to the Arthroscopic Latarjet Procedure: A Cadaveric Analysis. Arthroscopy. 2021 Feb;37(2):470-476.
2021 Presentations
International Presentations
- Plancher KD, Petterson SC. Failure Rates & Functional Outcomes of Allograft & Autograft Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone (BPTB) Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Patients <30 Years Old. 19th Biennial ESSKA Congress. May 2021. Milan, Italy.
- How I Reconstruct Each Patient Based on Individual’s Anatomy (Individualized ACL Reconstruction). 19th Biennial ESSKA Congress. May 2021. Milan, Italy.
- Brazilian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Society. Stiffness following surgical repair. Frozen Shoulder Webinar. Virtual. March 2021
- Good Functional Outcomes and Satisfaction in Patients with Comorbidities After Rotator Cuff Repair with the Bovine Bioinductive Patch. The 28th Annual International Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Course. March 2021. Virtual.
- Do Pre-op Corticosteroid Injections Increase Infections, Re-ruptures and Revisions in Primary RCR? The 28th Annual International Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Course. March 2021. Virtual.
- Surgical Treatment for Adhesive Capsulitis. Reported Outcomes and Results. What Should we Expect? Frozen Shoulder. Brazilian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Society. March 2021. Virtual Webinar.
National Presentations
- Patient Expectations & Perfect Execution Is The Goal: What Is The Process & How To Plan To Make It Happen. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Panelist. Patient Selection, Preoperative Clearance, Comorbidities, Consideration Why Not All Patients For Outpatient Surgery. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Evolving Technique. The 38-Year-Old Former D1 Football Player Now Wall Street Broker Using His N95 On Flights From NYC To Tokyo Every Weekend: ‘I Need Relief When I Play Paddle, My Knee Hurts.’ Pro: The Long-Acting Steroid Is The Answer: You Have Not Been Listening, It’s Approved, It Has A Code. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Panelist: Clinical Case Presentations with Questions & Answers: Rapid Fire Answers, Yes/No Explanations, Putting The Faculty On The Spot: Everything Biologics. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Panelist: 25-Year-Old Former Dartmouth Downhill College Skier With A Medial Femoral Condyle Oblong Defect, 3.2-cm2 With Normal Alignment: Stand Back & Let Me Show You What I Do? Pro: Shhh! A Clinical Trial Almost Done, Get The News While It’s Hot: Ex Vivo Expanded Autologous Chondrocytes On A Bioresorbable Biphasic Collagen Scaffold. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Evolving Technique Update: The Perfect Outpatient Experience. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- Evolving Technique Update: Stemless Total Shoulders & Why I Don’t Worry. Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques. Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2021.
- 25-Year-Old Olympic Freestyle Swimmer with Recurrent Shoulder Instability and Mild Glenoid Bone Loss: Incorporate the Bony Fragment, Let Me Show You How with an Arthroscopic Bankart Repair. ASES 2021 Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida. October 2021.
- ICL Moderator. Instability with Bone Loss: A Case-Based Approach To Avoid Complications. ASES 2021 Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida. October 2021.
- Course Chair. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Demonstrator. Aesculap – Bioresorbable Biphasic Collagen Scaffold for a Focal Medial Femoral Defect. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Osteochondral Allografts: My Indications, Pearls and Results. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Moderator: Case-Based Panel Presentation: Articular Cartilage, Meniscal Repair or Resection: Management and Decision-Making. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- ACL Graft Selection: Evidence-Based Recommendations. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Live Surgical Demonstration: Fixed-Bearing UKA. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Sometimes Best, Even in the Young. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Panelist. Patella Instability, Maltracking and Pain: A Case-Based Presentation. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Correcting the Valgus Knee: What You Need to Know to Get It Done Successfully. Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Moderator. Sharing My Tough Cases and Summary Case Presentations: Bring Your Own Cases from Home! Articular Cartilage Course. Rosemont, Illinois. October 2021.
- Panelist. Recovering From Covid-19: Industry, Intellectual Property, Contract Negotiations, Academic, Private, Employed. Mid-Atlantic Shoulder and Elbow Society (MASES) Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. September 2021.
- ICL Moderator. The Business of Medicine: Hospital-Based, Academic, Private Practice – Learning How to Succeed. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. San Diego, California. September 2021.
- Paper Presentation. Arthroscopic Latarjet: In Vitro Evidence to Avoid Complications with the Trans-Pec Medial Portal. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. San Diego, California. September 2021.
- Speed Mentoring for Residents. Annual Meeting American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. San Diego, California. September 2021.
- Subchondroplasty and Bioplasty: A Bridge Too Far? AANA SOMOS Knee Course. Rosemont, Illinois. August 2021.
- The Subscapularis Tear: How to Assess and Address the Repair. AANA Shoulder Course. Rosemont, Illinois, August 2021.
- Panelist. Contract Negotiation, Choosing a Job, and Starting in Practice: Recommendations & What NOT to Do. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Fellows Course. Rosemont, Illinois. July 2021.
- Panelist. Real-Life Practice Issues/ Cost Effectiveness and Business of Biologics. Biologics Association Summit. AOSSM-AANA Combined 2021 Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee. July 2021.
- IC 206. The Business of Medicine: Hospital-Based, Academic, Private Practice – Learning How To Succeed. AOSSM-AANA Combined 2021 Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee. July 2021.
- The Aging Athletes Knee: How to Keep Grandma Running on her own Knees. ACSM 68th Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise in Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine Combined Meeting. Virtual. June 2021.
- Let’s Talk Shoulder. Part 1. ACSM 68th Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise in Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine Combined Meeting. Virtual. June 2021.
- Let’s Talk Shoulder. Part 2. ACSM 68th Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise in Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine Combined Meeting. Virtual. June 2021.
- Sports Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist. Maine Orthopaedic Review Course. Sports, Shoulder, Elbow Wrist Review. Waterville Maine. Virtual. June 2021.
- AANA Fellowship Education Webinar – Orthopedic Business Issues: Billing and Coding, Contracting, Social Media/Patient Relations and Marketing. Virtual. June 2021.
- The Business and Legal Principles of Arthroplasty in the ASC. AAHKS Webinar. Virtual.
March 2021. - Virtual Education in Contemporary Times: What Works and What Doesn’t? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Webinar. Virtual. March 2021.
- Surgical Therapy for Knee OA. SIR Foundation Research Consensus Panel “Percutaneous Management of Osteoarthritis in the Knee.” Virtual. January 2021.
- What Therapies? Where Does IR Fit? What Influences Referrals? What Are Regulatory and/or Reimbursement Issues. Moderator. SIR Foundation Research Consensus Panel “Percutaneous Management of Osteoarthritis in the Knee.” Virtual. January 2021.
- When You Hear Hoofbeats, Don’t Forget About Zebras. Co Breakout Room Facilitator. American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting. AAHS Virtual Webinar Series. January 2021.
The Orthopaedic Foundation and Plancher Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine is now participating in a randomized, multicenter, partially blinded, Phase III FDA trial to evaluate the effectiveness of NOVOCART 3D versus microfracture surgery for cartilage injuries of the knee. NOVOCART 3D is considered an investigational new product by the FDA; though it has been used successfully in Europe since 2003.

What is NOVOCART 3D?
>NOVOCART 3D is a combination product that is cell based therapy employing autologous cultured chondrocytes in a type1 collagen scaffold. Chondrocytes are the cells that make cartilage – the friction-free joint surface that allows painless joint function. Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a viable treatment for cartilage damage in the knee joint available in the United States since 1995. The procedure uses tissue engineering to grow the patient’s own cartilage cells in the laboratory for later implantation. Typically ACI requires a flap of bone tissue or a patch to harness the cells within the defect. Next generation therapies, including NOVOCART 3D, employ a matrix, or scaffolding of collagen fibers, a natural joint substance, to support the growth of healthy cartilage cells.
What is a chondral injury of the knee?
A chondral injury is a cartilage tear in the knee joint. The knee, like all other joints, is lined with a smooth gliding surface of hyaline cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is made up of a microscopic array of Type II collagen and water to allow pain-free joint range of motion and shock absorption. Damage to the cartilage can occur with trauma or overuse of the knee joint; and may be associated with ligament (such as ACL) or meniscal tears. Up to 60% of arthroscopic knee surgeries may detect some level of cartilage damage within the knee joint. Unfortunately, cartilage healing is not possible and once damaged, the cartilage may never repair itself.>

What is Microfracture surgery?
Microfracture surgery is a technique for cartilage repair that involves recruiting bone marrow cells to heal the defect. It is considered a first-line treatment, and is the standard of care for cartilage repair. An awl is used to make 3-4 millimeter penetrations in the underlying bone. Bleeding from the bone holes allows bone marrow cells to fill the cartilage defect creating a scar of hyaline-like, fibrocartilage. The resulting fibrocartilage consists of Type I collagen fibers; not the natural Type II collagen of healthy hyaline cartilage.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
A thorough assessment of your medical history, your knee joint and your injury is necessary before participating in the study. Dr. Plancher and his study team are available to discuss the research and your participation. Please call for an appointment at 203-869-2002.
For more information, visit the Clinical Trials.gov website.

The Orthopaedic Foundation/Clinical Research Fellowship is designed to offer an extensive training in orthopaedic research and clinical experience in the United States for one year. This program will combine research, clinical observation and clinical rotations and activity(contingent on our hospital’s credentialing requirements). The fellow will have the opportunity to learn about evaluating patients, attend grand rounds and other medical education programs, observe in the operating room, and perform clinical duties related to the research. The fellow may also be present at surgical procedures.
The program will also offer didactic teaching, cadaver investigations, statistical methods, writing and speaking skills. This Clinical/Research Fellowship will teach you how to generate and gather data in areas such as sports medicine and musculoskeletal diseases, and access to care, morbidity and mortality rates, and systems that will enable you to understand research. You will acquire the skills needed to write research papers and clinical case write ups for poster presentation or publication. Positions are open to medical students, postdoctoral students, including foreign trained, and including MD’s and PhD’s. For more information on applying please contact Janine Bahar at: jbahar@ofals.org / 203-869-2002.
Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Internship
Scientific Articles
- What is Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy for Knees and Shoulders?
- Allograft/Autograft BPTB Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR) Equal Outcomes in All Ages, No Anterior Knee Pain: Average 7 Year Follow-Up
- Stem Cell Therapy Improves Tendon Healing and Provides Functional Improvement in Chronic Tendinopathies
- Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and Alignment: Should We Correct to Neutral?
- Modified Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Successfully Returns Contact Athletes to Sport: an 11 Year Follow-Up
- MRI Is Cost-Effective in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tennis Elbow
- Opposite Compartment Progression of Medial and Patellofemoral Compartments after Lateral UKA
- Thumb CMC Arthroplasty with Absorbable Interference Screw for FCR LRTI
- Dr. Jimenez-Gonzalez Wins The Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Resident/Fellow Paper
- The Anterior Cruciate Ligament – Deficient Knee and Unicompartmental Arthritis
- Arthroscopic Bankart Repair With Suture
- Baseline Neurocognitive Performance in Professional Lacrosse Athletes
- Open Latarjet: A Reliable, Successful Method to Prevent Recurrence in the Presence of Bony Defects
- Athroscopic Posterior Shoulder Burscoscopy and Superior Medial Angle Resection
- The Surgeons’ Dilemma: Revision Instability in the Athlete
- Posterior Shoulder Pain and Arthroscopic Decompression of the Suprascapular Nerve at the Spinoglenoid Notch
- Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty
203-869-2002 ext 14.